
Greta Meszoely, SSH, DMSB’91

We are a team of technology and business leaders working to make meeting up easier.   We are passionate about creating a solution to the age old question…where are you?…where should we meet?

The average American sends 2500 texts per month with 2/3 of these for logistics.    Whether there are 2 or 100 we set out to create  solutions to get us off line and spend more time doing than planning.  We added a wealth of features to make it simple to ask questions, change your mind, share along the way etc.

From our core meetup functions we built a platform that supports endless solutions for the marketplace to help manage groups large and small, social networks, etc.

Check out our event management tools, community organizing, tours and scavenger hunts, games, way finding, logistics etc.

Our accomplished team of technology and business leaders at Figayou can build a solution for your group, team, or company from our suite of component features.