Woman On Top: Lead Like a Lady Boss

Angela L. Hosking

Hey there Lady Boss….

Are you tired of navigating the daily drama of team members who think the rules don’t apply to them? Do you feel like you don’t belong at the executive table? Most days working as a woman in leadership consists of putting out workplace fires, coaching employees who make your head spin, questioning your ability to influence, and juggling #allthethings. If you can relate, you’re in great company. In Women On Top: Lead Like A Lady Boss, Angela Hosking gives you practical tips and advice to navigate difficult workplace situations, ways to communicate clear expectations, and most importantly, how to send imposter syndrome packing! With over a decade of experience in leadership, Angela’s got a story or two that will make you laugh or cry (or do both). No leadership book, HR manual or class on conflict resolution prepared Angela for the daily hustle and grind of managing people. In Women On Top: Lead Like A Lady Boss you will learn:

  • How to hire the right people, get them engaged and motivate them to buy into your team culture.
  • Proven ways to lead your team through change.
  • Tricks to help you keep your cool when handling difficult people.
  • Steps you can take to increase your confidence and crush the feelings of failure.
  • How to manage your time and workload so that you can become a productivity powerhouse. And so much more…

Angela believes women can create a personal and professional life they dream of with a good dose of personal development, tenacity and staying out of their own way. Angela is the founder of Her One Tribe, LLC, and wears many hats as a leader, writer, speaker, and coach. Angela, her husband Scott, and their chocolate lab live in Charlotte, NC. She enjoys snow skiing, spending time at the beach with a good book, and learning how to play the electric guitar.